A Symposium “Architecture x SPORT –What is the legacy for the next generation?!” Held in Hamamatsu,
Seminar Report:World Forum on Sport and Culture (WFSC) official side event on the 16th of July, 2016
The symposium was hosted by the Shizuoka Baseball Fan club on July 16, 2016 at Tokiwa Kogyo in Hamamatsu. It titled; “The Power of Sport: thinking about architecture as the legacy we create for the next generation” was the official side event of the World Forum on Sport and Culture (WFSC), which is supported by the World Economic Forum. The World Forum on Sport and Culture is a global gathering of cultural, sport, business and policy leaders hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. The event will explore topics at the intersection of creativity, sport, health and well-being, culture, lifestyle and technology with the aim of building Japan into a vibrant nation with global reach towards 2020. Hideki Matsui, a Japanese former professional baseball outfielder and designated hitter who played in Japan and the United States, is an ambassador of the WFSC.

Nobuyuki Suzuki, a vice mayor of Hamamatsu City gave a speech at the beginning of the symposium to express his pleasure of having the symposium ran by local people, because Hamamatsu City is planning to set up a public baseball facility in the west side of the city. He told us that he had an expectation that these topics shouldn’t be temporary, but continuously help to develop the culture and community in Hamamatsu. The people who attended the symposium had different professions; some were related to the government, others to architecture related jobs, and also people who work in the sports business. The symposium ended on a high note with receiving good feedback from the vice mayor of Hamamatsu.

“The Power of Sport: thinking about architecture as the legacy we create for the next generation”
~ World Forum on Sport and Culture (WFSC) official side event ~
Think about Architecture and Sports
Why is the theme of an architecture project “the legacy”? Kazuya Yamazaki, an architect and the presenter of this symposium talked about his experience of the London Olympics and Paralympics Game where he worked as an architect. Nowadays even in Japan, the word “Olympic Legacy” comes to mind when talking about what will happen after 2020, but before 2012, he wondered if the theme could have been relevant to architecture in the same way. He understood, due to his involvement as an architect with the legacy master plan and bid master plan of the London Olympics, that the Olympics are more so about handing over a baton for the future with the wishes and hopes of a lot of people, than it is about the definition of “legacy” as written in the dictionary. Mr. Yamazaki said that (from the architect's point of view), it was very regrettable to have too simple and no brilliant architecture related to the Olympics, until just before the London Olympics. In fact, the equestrian venue, where he was involved as a supervisor, was a very simple structure, it was a steel pipe framework merely covered with cloth.

The economic crisis which hit Europe in 2010, and the concept of creating a sustainable society which became popular in the early 90’s, explain the various factors which might have affected the simple building structures , Mr. Yamazaki mentioned. However, he realized it was his misunderstanding when the competition began; the opening ceremony, the tournament management, and when he witnessed the medal rush of the British athletes.
It was based on the grand vision of the British people, the stadium was not only a facility of the Games, but to involve participants, with good contents as a promotion method to the world, instead of merely hosting the Olympics.

It was the wisdom of a mature nation and the city where the Olympics had been held for the third time. They used the beautiful city view of London, set up valuable tourism resources, promote by using several kinds of media, and create competition relay programmes showing the beautiful skyline over the shoulder of the athletes. To attempt to hand over the baton to the next generation, it is worth to have the simple buildings and facilities.
He introduced us about this as there are many things Japan can learn from this, when it comes to promoting the urban development with the large-scale sports facilities.
Thinking of "One Dozen Future (ideal vision)”, Hamamatsu City comprehensive plan
During the second half we conducted a discussion workshop where everyone exchanged their opinions. The participants discussed about the effective utilization and its future of the Hamamatsu baseball stadium, which is a popular topic recently. Based on local cooperation between citizens shining towards a creative Hamamatsu City future; the so-called “One Dozen Future (ideal vision)”, in anticipation of 2045.
Unique ideas were discussed in the workshop which allowed free expression of opinion, such as; building a stadium with the concept of "success“, based on the Hamamatsu City symbolic castle, which is the so-called “castle of success”.
Young and old people with different backgrounds exchanged opinions freely without any restriction. The symposium’s aim of being an event about Hamamatsu citizens, by Hamamatsu citizens and for Hamamatsu citizens became true.

There was positive feedback and wishes to have more workshops like this one. We confirmed that there were wishes to have more opportunities to exchange opinions on the new baseball stadium.
World Forum on Sport and Culture hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology of Japan
The World Forum on Sport and Culture is a global gathering of cultural, sport, business and policy leaders hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Discuss and transmit information about the international contributions of sport, culture, economics, and their tangible and intangible legacy while coordinating with tourism to hold an international meeting in Tokyo and Kyoto that will serve as a kick-off event to enhance the international momentum after the 2016 games in Rio, working toward the 2019 Rugby World Cup, 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games and 2021 Kansai World Masters Games, etc.
【Event summery】 “The Power of Sport: thinking about architecture as the legacy we create for the next generation” Date: 16 July 2016 15:00~18:00 Venue: Tokiwak-Co., Ltd., Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka, Japan Website:http://peatix.com/event/169156/ Organizer: Takehito Akima, Director of Shizuoka Baseball Fan club, E-mail:hamamatsu.baseball@gmail.com Supported by: the city of Hamamatsu
About Shizuoka Baseball Fan club: Founded in 2015 in Hamamatsu, one of the leading cities in diversity promotions in Japan, this general incorporated association is committed to engaging with the local community through sport. Main activities include managing sports clubs / facilities, organizing sporting events or classes for the public, providing training sessions for coaches and planning international exchange programs through sport. ##### For more information, please contact Shizuoka Baseball Fan club Management office Email: hamamatsu.baseball@gmail.com Tel: +81-(0)90-4176-1547